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  1. Hi ,

    I'm so inspired by your website!

    I was wondering If you have any thoughts about art projects for an "invisible step" maybe what I am referring to is a "step before the steps". The words that come to mind as I think of this step are "breaking through layers of invisibility" and "we walk by faith, not by sight"

    I have reached the point where I am thinking "maybe somthing is wrong" but im wondering if I'm making it all up somehow

  2. I am a therapist at a opiate addiction clinic, and I am looking for creative ways to engage my clients in group therapy. I have been looking through your blog and I am loving the ideas for each of the twelve steps. I am curious if you are still selling copies of your book, I would like to have a copy for my own therapy practice.

    Love the blog such interesting ideas.

  3. Thank you for creating and sharing these amazing art experiences!
